As this semester at school is coming to an end this is my last blog post as part of my independent study project. Because it is my last I wanted to reflect on what I learned and my work that I did. I have been reflecting after each blog, but I wanted to post this one as it is my last.
I started off this project with no experience with blogging. I had probably read about two or three blogs before me in my entire life. Now, as I finish up this project I read multiple blogs each week, following blogs with the assistance of my Google Reader. I never knew how much invaluable information you can find reading people's blogs, especially people like the ones I've been following. These bloggers are amazing teachers and they have fantastic information for us future teachers. I will continue to follow these blogs to make my future classroom the best that it can be.
Not only was I able to read blogs throughout this project, I also composed my very own posts on my blog. This way I could broadcast what I had learned from the other blogs and connect the information to an experience of mine or another piece of information I had learned in organizations I am involved in or classes I am taking. These posts were a lot of work but they were also fun! I was able to decide what I wanted to post about each week, how I would compose my post, and what exactly I would include because it was all mine. As this is my first time creating my own project (or independent study) this was all new to me but exciting.
To be able to connect to bloggers personally I set up a professional Twitter account. This is another form of technology I had not had very much experience with before. I did have a Twitter account before the project but had tweeted twice before. I just never really understood how to use Twitter or what people tweet about. Through this project I tweeted each week and even tagged a few bloggers I was following. I was so excited when a few of them actually tweeted me and read my blog! This inspired me to continue on my project and make connections.
This project really means a lot to me because I will be able to use the information I learned in my future career as a teacher. Also, I will be able to continue blogging and tweeting like these extraordinary teachers I have been following. These connections that will continue to form throughout my life will make me the teacher I want to be who can change children's lives and make an impact on each and every one of my students.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned.